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  • UX Lift links roundup – the best UX & design links from the last few weeks

UX Lift links roundup – the best UX & design links from the last few weeks

A $500m lesson in UI design, Figma component madness, problems with design thinking, how to build user trust, new motion design tools and cursed AIs.


Citibank just got a $500 million lesson in the importance of UI design – If anyone asks you why UX is important, point them to this article.

Dangerous UX: consequential options close to benign options – Confirmatory and destructive actions should be far apart from each other. Maybe Citibank’s UI designers should read this article.

One Figma component, 3,360 Variants – One man’s journey into Figma-component madness.

What Saul Bass can teach us about web design – Film credits, brand logos, posters… Saul Bass did it all, and the principles that informed his work are just as valuable now as they were 50 years ago.

What are the flaws of design thinking? – It’s a useful tool, but design thinking also has its downsides. To get the best out of it we need to understand both the good and the bad.

Building user trust in UX design – Easy to lose but hard to gain, trust is an essential part of any design. Here’s some considerations.


Jitter – Simple tool for motion design.

Castle – Create card-based presentations, mini-games, interactive stories, animations and more.

MailTrackerBlocker – AdBlock for Mail.app – banish tracking pixels, read receipts and more in Apple Mail.

Cool stuff

(Should probably just start calling this section ‘Cursed AI experiments’).

Gan.style – Style transfer, taking a style from one image and applying it to another has been around for ages. First time I’ve seen it with audio.

Story2Hallucination – Using a neural network to create trippy animations from text. I tried it with an excerpt from HP Lovecraft and the results were… well, see for yourself.

Sleep well, everyone!